Hiring I am actively looking for self-motivated PhD candidates with a strong background in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering. If you
have interests in the broad area of Mobile Computing, Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence, please feel free to contact
me with your CV attached. Full scholarships will be provided to qualified candidates by the University. SMU is ranked 72 in the
overall CS discipline and particularly No. 41 in the field of Mobile Computing worldwide, according to
Hiring I am also looking for visting students to work at SMU. If you are currently a master or PhD candidate in other universities and would like a pursue research experience in Mobile Computing in SMU, please send me you CV. The selected candidates will be offered with stipend to support his/her life at Singapore.
I am currently an Assistant Professor at the School of Computing and Information Systems, Singapore Management University. Before joining SMU, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge, advised by Prof. Cecilia Mascolo. Prior to that, I earned my PhD at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia in 2019, supervised by Prof. Mahbub Hassan, and Prof. Wen Hu. I also worked as a research assistant at the Networks Research Group at DATA61-CSIRO from 2016 to 2019. I obtained my bachelor and master in Communication Engineering from Central South University, China, in 2014 and 2016, respectively.
My research interests rotate around cyber-physical systems, including ubiquitous computing, pervasive sensing, vibration communication, energy harvesting, and mobile and wearable healthcare, covering the end-to-end system design, implementation, and evaluation. Recently, I am particularly centred on robust health monitoring with wearable technology and tiny machining learning on embedded devices.